BC Loves Community CYCLING Organizations
Bingham Cyclery continues to be committed to the causes of charitable organizations throughout the Wasatch Front. In keeping with our goals we only donate to 501(c)3 organizations and cycling organizations that encourage :
- Cycling as a lifestyle for ALL
- Getting more women and kids on bikes
- Trail building, advocacy and maintenance
If you would like us to consider sponsoring your organization, please email community@binghamcyclery.com and describe the work you do, the people you serve, and why you think Bingham Cyclery is a good fit.
Not only does Bingham Cyclery support local cycling organizations, but we work hard to make cycling more accessible to more communities. Do you have a cycling project you'd like help with? Email community@binghamcyclery.com and we'll see if we're able to help!
Northwest Middle School Bike Fleet
In early 2023, Bingham Cyclery was asked to help Northwest Middle School purchase the bikes and gear needed to establish a fleet for 8th graders to ride. We were able to source, build, and deliver the bikes in time for students to get a ride in before the end of the school year.
Says 8th Grade Science Teacher Dani Bainsmith, the force behind the program, “I'm trying to help build my students' identities in outdoor spaces, whether scientific or recreational. We have the Jordan River Parkway going right next to our school/through the community, but it's not often utilized by our families.”
“I wanted a way to introduce students to that resource in an authentic context. We do naturalist activities along the parkway, like birding and participating in citizen science through iNaturlist and the Aviary's Birds and Beavers program, among others - and volunteering with the Jordan River Commission to do native tree plantings and wildflower seeding. The bikes will allow us to visit more of the parkway for these activities than we could just by walking.”
“I also think that managed risk-taking builds confidence. Biking is a great way for them to push themselves mentally and physically and be proud of what they have accomplished. I hope to also see the bikes used on dirt trails if we can figure out how transportation would work.”